If you crossed “The Hangover” with “The Bucket List,” you might wind up with something like “Last Vegas.” For all I know, that may have been the exact pitch that brought a green light to this almost defiantly pointless film, competently directed by Jon Turteltaub. A mild geezer comedy full of jokes that might have sounded tired at a“Dean Martin Celebrity Roast,” the movie has no reason for existence and nothing much to recommend it.
Nothing much, that is, apart from four exceptionally interesting actors, who bring charm and professionalism to a project that requires very little of them. If you approach “Last Vegas” expecting an emotionally engaging, in any way surprising, moviegoing experience, you will be disappointed. But if you want the equivalent of an old-fashioned television variety show — a Very Special Evening with Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas and Kevin Kline — you might not have such a bad time.
The four, playing childhood buddies reunited for a Sin City bachelor party, embrace typecasting with the weary graciousness of musicians reprising old hits for the millionth time. Mr. De Niro is grouchy and intense, Mr. Douglas intense and slippery, Mr. Freeman dignified and playful, Mr. Kline grateful for the attention. They are called upon to insult one another, to riff on the indignities of aging, to ogle young women and to do some age-appropriate physical comedy. Mr. Douglas shoves Mr. De Niro into a pool. Mr. Kline tries to open the trunk of a car. Mr. Freeman dances. Mr. De Niro shoves Mr. Douglas into a pool.
There is a plot, which signals its every approaching turn as assiduously as a GPS map application. The guys, who grew up in one of the least convincing “Brooklyn” neighborhoods ever committed to film, have aged according to type. We have a divorcé (Mr. Freeman), a widower (Mr. De Niro), a long-married husband (Mr. Kline, whose wife is played by Joanna Gleason) and a bachelor (Mr. Douglas). Billy, the bachelor, has impulsively decided to tie the knot with his 30-ish girlfriend (Bre Blair). Hence the Vegas excursion, during which scores will be settled, fences mended, lessons learned and disasters predictably avoided.
You will know pretty much every detail of the story within the first 10 minutes, though, a while after that, you will be happy to see Mary Steenburgen, playing a lounge singer who befriends our foursome and adds a pinch of dramatic spice to the proceedings. Just a pinch, mind you. There is nothing here that would upset the digestion, though the relentless cross-generational lechery becomes a bit distasteful, even though it is just as unsurprising as everything else.

Watch Last Vegas Official Trailer (2013) [HD] Rober De Niro , Michael Douglas on Youtube